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Tezmaksan, the solution partner supporting the production power of the Turkish industry, brings domestic and national by focusing on software and automation systems. Tezmaksan makes significant contributions to the strategic sectors of Turkish exports with its robotic automation system Cubebox and CNC tracking, and productivity software Kapasitematik, which are among the products it has developed as a result of intensive R&D activities. Aiming to consolidate the competitive position of the Turkish industry on the global scale thanks to investments in technology, Tezmaksan continues to implement brand new business models, especially today when the interaction of machines with each other is accelerated. Tezmaksan, Turkey's leading and Europe's fifth-largest brand in the sector with its innovative approach, provides a wide range of services to the machining industry with 360-degree solutions. Domestic production and CNC products will contribute to assuming the leadership of sales, rentals, service, technological consulting, financing, software, and sectoral education carrying out activities in many areas, thereby a team of expert engineers analyze customer needs with the developing projects with requirements of the era.

date 01.07.2021
We Are In Press